Pharmacy Quiz App

Test your knowledge in Medicines & Diseases + Clinical Cases, with over a million+ Multiple Choice Questions including Answers, Notes and Explanations.

No.1 Best pharmacy quiz app for Exam preparations.





Engage in virtual Pharmacy quiz competitions. Who says learning cant be fun!, Join in monthly to yearly contests, user vs user battle and more..



Get assistances on different levels in quizlet, by using lifelines: 50/50, other users opinions, etc to help with your understanding.


Self Challenge

"Be your Biggest Competitor" Constantly challenge yourself on different topics everyday to be better than you were yesterday. Keep moving



Become known worldwide from your accomplishments in Pharmacy Q. Use daily/ monthly & yearly stats to monitor your performance, strength and weakness.


Start Quiz

Pharmacy Q is an amazing quiz game

With general Knowledge Quiz on pharmacology & more, including unlimited time to answer each questions.

Including battle quiz, which adds competitive flair and motivates users to learn more and better.

Study Made Easy

Studying for exams, can be boring & challenging

To achieve your exam/ study goals you need to use an effective study techniques that work for you personally.

With features like daily quiz, self challenges, bookmarks, random battles, notes and reviews, the sky is your limit in achieving your exam goals .


Challenge Knowledge

But what if this "App" holds it all?

What if all we have ever longed for in our healthcare profession is right in our hands.

Good luck is when opportunity meets preparation, while bad luck is when lack of preparation meets reality - "Eliyahu Goldratt"


Preparing for pharmacy exam can be boring and challenging, why not make it fun.